New Intern arrives to Pelagios

Buenos días, my name is Nadine and I am studying environmental engineering with the major in “Urban Ecosystems“ in Switzerland. I enjoy every part of nature if it’s a greenspace in a dense city or an endless desert full of cactuses like here in Baja California Sur. I’m especially drawn to the ocean since I experienced a natural encounter with a bottlenose dolphin mother and its calve when I was a little child. I therefore have a strong desire to protect these beautiful habitats.


Through my Swiss University I had the chance to get to know the Non-profit organization Pelagios Kakunja. We were invited to listen to some presentations about the amazing shark research and conservation work they are contributing to in this rich marine environment in the Bay of La Paz. I was initially fascinated not just by there work, but also about they’re open-minded attitude. So I spontaneously decided to apply for a four week Internship as well as my Bachelor Thesis.

So three weeks later, here I am. I’m super hyped about being part of the team, getting an insight in their work and also contribute with writing my Bachelor Thesis, which will be about Whale Shark tourism. Since it is the end of the Whale Shark season there are fewer individuals in the bay, but still a lot of Tourists that are looking for the great experience to snorkel with them. With the help from Pelagios, I will collect data on the Whale Shark abundance in the marine protected area of La Paz and also collect data on the satisfaction of the tourists. With combining the needs of both the Whale Sharks and the tourists, I will elaborate some requirements for the improvement of a sustainable Whale Shark Management here in La Paz.


Today is my fourth day in the Internship and I already was able to gain an insight in their research and went snorkeling at Pichilingue, where I learned about a coral restoration and fish count program. I’m especially looking forward to going on my first boat trip tomorrow to collect my first data on the Whale Sharks, whilst enjoying these amazing creatures and the ocean. And this is just the beginning. More adventures will follow!

Blog publication date: March 12, 2020


April 2020 Webinar Series “Sharks and Marine Protected Areas”


Investigadores y estudiantes de Pelagios Kakunjá participarán en el Northeast Pacific Shark Symposium IV